Doctors practice de Akkerhoorn

Doctors practice de Akkerhoorn

The problem

Huisartsenpraktijk “De Akkerhoorn” werd in het najaar van 2017 opgericht door twee enthousiaste, vrouwelijke huisartsen. Toen de nieuwbouw eindelijk in gebruik genomen werd, bleek dat er door de strakke inrichting veel galm aanwezig was, wat resulteerde in een zeer slechte akoestiek. Om de privacy van de patiënten en dokters te kunnen garanderen, moest de akoestiek dringend verbeterd worden. Liefst door middel van een kwalitatieve en strakke oplossing.

Our solution

When performing the reverberation measurement in the waiting room, reception area, corridor and practice rooms, a reverberation time of 1.6 seconds was observed. Thanks to our highly absorbent acoustic panels, we were able to reduce this reverberation time to as low as 0.7 seconds everywhere. How did we achieve this?


In the waiting room, we installed a customized ceiling panel (COUSTceiling) with integration of the electrical cables for the large round ceiling lamp. This way it could be fixed in place afterwards. Above the reception, we also placed a COUSTceiling, neatly aligned with the end of the ceiling. For the corridor, the doctors wanted a quiet floral print, neatly divided into three panels to create a triptych. And in the practice and consultation room, we placed a sleek wall panel (COUSTpanel) each time, which was assembled in advance in our workshop. Thus, with COUST we again offered a total solution for a general practice that was struggling with unpleasant acoustics.

Used products

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We deliver and install at the same price throughout Belgium and Northern France.

T +32 9 296 46 10

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