Welzijnshuis Roeselare

Welzijnshuis Roeselare

The problem

The Welzijnshuis of Roeselare is the place to go for any welfare question. The bright, four-story building houses the OCMW and the city's welfare services. In addition to the offices, there are numerous meeting and consultation rooms. We were approached specifically for these rooms to create privacy and peace of mind by means of an acoustic solution.

Our solution

Because it involved 22 classrooms, spread throughout the building and all in use at different times, we conducted a reverberation measurement in one conversation room (of representative size). For this room, we made a custom COUSTpanel (wall panel) with a print of +- 3 m². The customer's experience was so positive that we were also allowed to tackle the remaining 21 classrooms! In each classroom we placed a COUSTpanel with print.


To do this, we first had to thoroughly examine the dimensions and layout of each classroom (after all, no two classrooms were the same). However, because of the occupancy of the rooms, we could only do this remotely. A real challenge, but through careful communication with the client we were able to determine the perfect size and location of the wall panel for each room based on the number of m² needed and the available space on the walls. We thus installed a total of 80 m² of our absorbent material.

For the prints, the Welzijnshuis worked together with illustrator Evelyn Verschoore, who created a new illustration for each wall panel. A successful result, if you ask us!

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T+32 9 296 46 10

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