White Yellow Cross

White Yellow Cross

The problem

The problem

The East Flanders headquarters of the White-Yellow Cross is located in an industrial building on the banks of the Scheldt in Ledeberg. This factory building was beautifully renovated while retaining its authentic structure. In addition to the 80 or so workstations, meeting rooms with a training function were also provided. The glass walls around the meeting rooms guaranteed an ideal incidence of light, but also a lot of sound reflection. Combined with the high ceilings, this created very poor acoustics. This made it impossible to hold meetings or provide training in the rooms. Jan Taerwe (manager of buildings White Yellow Cross East Flanders) knocked on our door. After all, we could integrate our high-quality acoustic solutions perfectly into the existing, austere architecture.

Our solution

Our solution

After a reverberation measurement, we formulated a proposal for each room to optimize the acoustics according to the purpose of each room. We carefully determined how much material we would put in which place. Various challenges required our creativity. For example, we had to take into account the sprinkler system and the numerous glass walls.

Conference calls were often held in the boardroom. So we placed more absorption material there to achieve an even lower reverberation time. Because of the glass walls, we chose long ceiling panels (COUSTceilings) with penetrations for all techniques (sprinklers, lamps, sensors, etc.). We attached some hanging wall panels in front of the glass walls (with steel cables), for the first time, with prints on both sides.

The smaller meeting rooms were each equipped with an acoustic ceiling panel and a wall panel (COUSTpanel) as beamer wall. In the multifunctional room on the first floor, we installed a large wall with a beautiful print. And not just any print! An enlarged photo of a graffiti drawing by ROA - internationally renowned graffiti artist - which was seen on the wall in the original building.



Our client was very satisfied with the achieved result. They were finally able to receive large numbers of visitors in the big rooms again. Since then, the White Yellow Cross has called on our expertise on several occasions.

In 2019, an article about this special project appeared in FM magazine. You can read it here. https://www.fm-magazine.be/nl/artikels/item/159/ruimteakoestische-expertise-voor-aangenaam-vergadercomfort

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